Friday, June 10, 2016

Basic Yogurt Snack

This is one of my favorite snacks--nonfat Greek yogurt mixed with a variety of zero point mix-ins.  I am surprised by the creaminess of nonfat Greek yogurt, especially after it is well stirred.  Chobani is my favorite, but other brands will definitely work.  I buy the large containers to keep on hand for every time a craving strikes for something sweet.  This usually hits the spot!

Start with the Basic Yogurt Snack recipe, below, and choose from a variety of zero-point mix-ins.  Often, the half cup, one-point, version is enough to satisfy, but sometimes I go big and eat an entire cup for a whopping three points.  My favorite is the most simple of combinations: yogurt, splenda, and vanilla extract, pictured here.

Basic Yogurt Snack

- 1/2 cup of nonfat, plain Greek yogurt (1 SmartPoint) 
- 1 Splenda (or Sucralose) packet (0 SmartPoints), or other zero point sweetener of choice

- 1 cup of nonfat, plain Greek yogurt 3 SmartPoints) 
- 2 Splenda (or Sucralose) packets (0 SmartPoints), or other zero point sweetener of choice

- Vanilla extract (1/2 teaspoon for 1/2 cup version or 1 teaspoon for 1 cup version)
- Other extracts--check Weight Watchers for points calculations
- Unsweetened cocoa powder to taste (up to 1 tablespoon for zero points)
- Lemon or lime zest (1/2 teaspoon for 1/2 cup version or 1 teaspoon for 1 cup version)
- Fresh blueberries and/or strawberries
- Fresh bananas
- A few sprinkles of cinnamon
- Up to 1 tablespoon Smucker's Sugar Free jam or preserves (You may want to skip the sweetener with this option.)

- Stir well, incorporate mix-ins, and enjoy!

- If you can "afford" the extra point, mix-in 2 tablespoons of PB2 Peanut Butter Powder (chocolate is even better) in addition to the Splenda to either the half or full cup of yogurt.  Such a yummy dessert!

Serves one.  SmartPoints total: 1 (for half cup version) or 3 (for full cup version)

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